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본고는 ‘算博士’라고 불렸던 두목의 작품에 보이는 數詞의 활용 양상과 그 특징을 분석했다. 중국 고전 시가에서 數詞는 일찍이《시경》에서부터 꾸준히 활용되어 왔다. 그리고 《전당시》에 이르기까지 수사는 시간과 공간을 표현하거나 當代의 문화 또는 언어사용 습관과 밀접한 관계를 맺으며 다양한 모습으로 활용되어왔다. 하지만 시인들이 관습적 혹은 상투적으로 수사를 구사했던 것은 아니다. 그들은 수사의 修辭的 기능을 극대화하기 위해 상당히 공을 들이는 모습을 보여 왔다. 唐代 시인 가운데 수사와 관련하여 자주 거론되는 이가 둘 있는데, 낙빈왕과 두목이다. 이 둘은 시에서 수사를 곧잘 활용하여 ‘산박사’라는 별칭을 얻었다. 특히 두목은 詩作의 규모뿐 아니라 문학적 성과 역시 낙빈왕보다 뛰어난 것으로 보인다. 하지만 기존의 논평은 두목의 수사가 오히려 시의 맛을 감소시켰다는 비판에 더 가까웠다. 그러나 과감하고 참신한 數詞의 활용과 對仗연에서의 정제미뿐 아니라 시의에 맞춰 수사를 적절히 활용한 모습은 오히려 ‘장인’이라 불리는 데 손색이 없다는 생각이 들게 한다. 뿐만 아니라 칠언절구와 칠언율시 등 같은 시의 형식적 특성을 잘 살리는 수사의 활용은 오히려 ‘문학성’을 높이기에 적절했던 것으로 판단된다.

This study began with a question why T’ang poet Du Mu was called ‘Dr. Calculation’. Is this nickname impartial and does reflect properly the characteristics of Du Mu’s related works? So we discussed the specific situation of the use of numerals in Du Mu's 270 poems through statistical analysis. Also, according to poetic styles we analyzed their aesthetic characteristics. Numerals are the part of speech that is used to indicate the number or order. From ShiJing(《詩經》) to QuanTangShi(《全唐詩》), ancient Chinese poems widely used numerals to reveal the special effects inherent. Therefore, the discussion of numerals plays an important role in understanding the aesthetics of ancient poetry. However, up to now the research on the use and effect of numerals has not yet reached the maturity and is limited to partial analysis. This paper calculated the frequency of examples of numeral in QuanTangShi and searched the co-occurrence words that combine numerals and nouns(or quantifiers). Furthermore, we discussed how the poets change numerals as ‘poetic words’. We also discussed how Du Mu used numerals to enhance the aesthetic effect in his poems. First of all, to prove the real meaning of ‘Dr. Calculation’, we analyzed the innovative use of "One," the repeated use at rhyming couple, and the use of multiple numerals. The results are as follows: First, Du Mu often used the numeral 'one' to express ‘hyperbolic contrast’. In addition, the choice of co-occurrence words showed a bold and novel side. Second, in rhyming couple, in order to refine the beauty of the form, Du Mu liked to use numerals, besides often with multiplicity. We think that this way of expression raises reality, is very exemplary and impeccable. The last feature is the continuous use of numerals. Although Du Mu was not the first to use this method, it showed a new aspect of poetry using numerals. Next, we discussed the use of numerals according to the form of poetry. Du Mu not only made a good use of each types of poem, but could also write poems using numerals to suit the characteristics of the form. In the ‘JueJu(絶句)’, which is a more free-spirited type than ‘LüShi(律诗)’, Du Mu used numerals as the central expression to show the main theme of the poem. In addition, in the ‘QiYanLüShi(七言律詩)’ , through the break-up of convention and the flexible use, it helps to increase the unique style. At the same time, Du Mu used numerals with artisanship to add rhythm to the ‘GuTiShi(古體詩)’, and achieved the effect of strengthening the refined beauty. In short, among Tang poets, Du Mu is a true ‘master craftsman’ in the field of use of numerals, considering the scale of poems using numbers, and the literary achievements as well. Finally, we hope that this paper can help to raise interest in numerals in the situation where there is still insufficient research on the rhetoric used in classical poetry.