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공공프로젝트 발주자들에게 VE의 중요성이 점증되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 VE 공공발주체계의 과학화, 시스템화를 통하여 공공발주자의 의사결정을 객관화시키고 발주체계 관련자들의 상호신뢰 회복을 위한 의사결정 지원체계의 구축을 위하여, 공공발주자에게 미치는 VE 프로젝트 발주체계의 영향력 분석에 대한 DB를 구축하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 국내의 VE 수행현황 분석을 통하여 수행체계의 문제점을 고찰하고, 도출된 문제점의 개선을 위하여 건설VE 수행사례를 통한 프로젝트 발주 시 고려하여야 할 VE 영향요소를 추출하여 설문결과에 대한 회귀분석 및 요인분석을 통하여 전체의 60%이상의 영향력을 가지는 15개의 영향요소를 도출한다. 도출된 영향요소에 대한 AHP분석을 통하여 프로젝트 생애주기 동안의 각 단계에 미치는 영향력을 분석하여 제시하였다.

The public employers are faced the mounting importance of decision process to settle the optimum VE delivery system of such public facilities buildings and etc. The elements of decision process of the public employer are formed in the various relationships of the concerned and when the projects are coming into effect, the decision process in the VE delivery method and the selection of contractor will be the name of the game. The decision process in the VE delivery method and the selection of contractor are created a case to be one and the same as well as initiates a consistency for the performance. However, the function and role of the public employer are projective accordingly to the organization of employer and the employer especially no system is equal to the capability of perfect evaluation and verification of the ability of the employer. Especially the lowest bidder policy that started with justification to increase the competitiveness and technical capability of the contractors through the completion in between contractors has been providing the hotbed for insolvency, irregularity and irrationality as a result. From this point of view it is declared that the buildup the edifice of supporting system in the process of decision to recover the mutual trust and respect of the concerned in the VE delivery system with the technostress and the systematization based on drawing the elements which affect the decision process of public employer.