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Objectives: The study examined indoor air quality during daytime and commute times in underground parking lots in five apartments located in northern Gyeonggi province. Methods: This study examined the temporal characteristics of PM 10 , CO 2 , CO, HCHO and VOCs in the indoor air quality of the underground parking lots in five apartments. Results: PM 10 concentration in daytime were ranged from 37.4 to 69.9 µg/m 3 which complied with the indoor air quality maintenance standard (200 µg/m 3 ) and Gyeonggi province ordinance standard (180 µg/m 3 ). However PM 10 concentrations in commuting time were in range of 447.3~944.0 µg/m 3 that exceeded for both criteria. The CO 2 , CO and HCHO concentrations complied with the standard. The VOCs indicated high tendency in the order of toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene and benzene. This tendency was more apparent in commuting time than daytime. Conclusion: All indoor parking lots of five apartments were equipped with ventilators. However the most apartment residents did not operate blowers to save electricity and the lack of interest for indoor air quality. In order to improve the indoor air quality of underground parking lots in apartment, operating ventilation system during commuting time is recommended.