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본 연구에서는 전국 어린이급식관리지원센터에 근무하고 있는 직원들을 대상으로 중앙급식관리지원센터의 수행사업을 평가함으로써 향후 중앙급식관리지원센터 수행사업의 효과를 높이고 발전방안 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제시하고자 하였다. 조사는 총 64개의 센터, 443명의 직원을 대상으로 이루어졌으며, 직급은 팀장 101명, 팀원 342명, 근무지역이 시·도 지역은 227명(51.2%), 광역시 144명(32.5%), 서울 및 경기도 72명(16.3%)이었고, 수탁기관이 대학교 산학협력단인 센터에 397명(89.6%), 영양사협회인 센터에 33명(7.4%), 법인인 센터에 13명(2.9%)이었다. 사업예산규모로는 6억 이상 센터에 246명(55.5%), 3∼5억 센터에 174명(39.3%), 1∼2억 센터에 23명(5.2%)이었다. 중앙급식관리지원센터 가이드라인 개정 및 보급에 대한 필요성에 대한 평가는 평균 3.93점으로 가장 높았으며, 가이드라인 제공에 인한 전체적인 업무 가이드 제시 역할은 3.76점, 가이드라인의 유용성은 3.67점이었다. 중앙급식관리지원센터 체크리스트해설서 개정 및 보급에 대한 필요성에 대한 평가는 평균 4.14점으로 높은 수준이었고, 체크리스트 해설서로 인한 업무 가이드 제시 역할 수행정도는 3.93점, 체크리스트 해설서의 유용성은 3.90점이었다

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of Headquarter Center for Children’s Food Service Management (HCCFSM) to provide measures for improving the working efficiency of Children’s Food Service Management (CCFSM). This study was conducted on 443 employees working in CCFSM from October 26th to December 31st, 2018. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version 23.0. The necessity of revising and disseminating the checklist commentary of HCCFSM was evaluated to be high, with an average of 4.14 points. The role of presenting overall work guide by providing a guideline was evaluated to have 3.76 points. The usefulness of the guideline was evaluated to have 3.67 points. The necessity of improving the function of the diet preparation program was evaluated to have 4.07 points. The necessity of the diet preparation program was evaluated to have 3.71 points. The convenience of automating nutrient analysis when using the program was found to have 3.61 points. The necessity of rental educational materials was evaluated to be the highest at 4.58 points. The reduction of teaching tools production time due to rental of educational materials was evaluated to have 4.29 points. The overall satisfaction had 4.42 points. As a result, HCCFSM is required to improve system functions and the need sharing system for reducing work hours of CCFSM business as the control tower. To have systematic and effective operation of the HCCFSM, not only political and administrative support, but also sufficient human resources are needed. Furthermore, it is essential to establish a system with business sharing of other institution and supporting.