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딱정벌레목 거저리과 곤충으로 국내외에서 식용 또는 동물 사료용으로 이용되고 있는 슈퍼 밀웜(super mealworm) 탈지분말에 대한 설치류 및 비설치류를 이용한 경구독성시험에서 시험물질 frpfdZAL에 의한 독성학적 변화를 관찰하지 못했다. 특히, Hartley계 기니피그를 이용한 피부감작성 시험에서 피부를 통한 생체 내 흡수에 따른 면역기계의 이상을 확인하지 못했다. 따라서 아메리카왕거저리 유충 탈지분말은 동물을 이용한 비임상시험에서 독성학적 변화가 없는 안전한 시험물질로 판단되며 본 연구 결과는 다른 식품원료 등에 적용 및 응용 가능한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

Zophobas atratus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), the giant mealworm beetle, has been recognized as an edible insect with a high protein content for new human food source and animal feed. On the other hand, the potential toxicity and food safety of Z. atratus is not well understood. Therefore, this study evaluated the toxicity of freeze-dried skimmed powder of Z. atratus larvae (frpfdZAL), known as the super mealworm, using different model approaches, including acute oral toxicity studies in SD rats and Beagle dogs and skin sensitization in Hartley guinea pigs (Buehler’s method) in accordance with the OECD guidelines and the principles of Good Laboratory Practice. No toxicological changes were observed in the clinical signs, body weights, and gross findings in acute single-dose administration in SD rats and Beagle dogs. In addition, skin sensitization rate was 0%, and its sensitization potential was classified as grade I (very weak) using Buehler’s method. In conclusion, frpfdZAL is safe with no adverse effects and can be applied as an edible ingredient for animal feed or used for other biological purposes.