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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the education experiences of nursing graduate students in training simulation educators. Methods: Data were collected using a focus group method with a total of 13 nursing graduate students who ever participated in simulation education for nursing college students. Results: Four theme clusters and 15 sub-themes were emerged through qualitative content analysis. The core theme was “Flapping wings as a novice simulation educator”. The four theme clusters include ‘Confronting myself where expectations and worries coexist’, ‘Experience a new world untrained in the hospital’, ‘Limitation of simulation hard to reach the reality’, ‘Way to become an expert in simulation education’. Conclusion: Nursing graduate students found that the experiences of novice learners as a simulation educator was rewarding and helpful in increasing their self-confidence prior to being placed in an educational setting. Creating a simulation experience for college students could be a daunting task for educators in nursing. Therefore, continued and sustainable efforts are mandated by developing the curriculum for training simulation educators.