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By reviewing previous literature, we analyzed the food sources of 20 out of 29 endangered fish species from freshwater ecosystems in South Korea. A total of 19 studies reported that food sources of 20 endangered fish species included 20 phyla, 31 classes, 58 orders, 116 families, and 154 genera. Arthropod, insecta, diptera, and chironomidae were the most fed animal food sources according to different resolution of taxa index on phylum, class, order and family. Similarity, bacillariophyta, bacillariophyceae, naviculales, and cymbellaceae were the most fed abundant plant sources. A larger number of fish species were reliant on animal food sources than plant food sources. 18 of the endangered fish preyed on arthropods, whereas only 6 species consumed bacillariophyta. To characterize the feeding groups of the 20 fish species, a hierarchical clustering analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis were conducted. The fish species were divided into two groups: 1) insectivores and 2) planktivores. A network analysis, which associated the link between endangered fishes and food sources, also revealed the same two groups. The highest hub score of food sources was for macroinvertebrates, including diptera (0.47), ephemeroptera (0.42), and trichoptera (0.38), based on the network analysis. Niche breadth was used to calculate the diversity of the food sources. Phoxinus phoxinus (0.57) showed thehighest food source diversity among the fish species, whereas Iksookimia pacifica (0.01) showed the lowest. This study will be utilized for the conservation and restoration of the endangered fish species.