초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Purpose:In this study, we reviewed existing victim support programs implemented in Korea to aid in the development of psychosocial support programs for patients and guardians who have experienced patient safety incidents. Methods: We reviewed similar programs: a support program for suicide survivors operated by the Korea Psychological Autopsy Center (Korea Foundation for Suicide Prevention), a family harmony program for workers in industrial accidents operated by the National Center for Forest Therapy, and the support services for crime victims provided by the Korean Crime Victims Support Association. We reviewed the contents of each website and conducted interviews with key personnel from each institution. Results: The support program for families who have experienced suicide was developed based on the suicide prevention project at the Central Psychological Autopsy Center. The family harmony program for workers who suffered industrial accidents is operated by the National Center for Forest Therapy at the behest of the Korean Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service. The Korean Crime Victims Support Association was established by the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the Crime Victim Protection Act and provides support to victims of crime. Each program was designed and implemented considering the objectives and goals, defining their recruitment plans as well as the selection criteria for their participants, and creating quality content that adequately addressed the struggles of their participants. Conclusion: The summarization of the various types of victim support programs in this study can be helpful in the future development of psychosocial support programs for victims of patient safety incidents.