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Objective: This study is primarily aimed at examining regional affections to automotive center fascia displays. Background: Design research continues to systematize affection to enhance affective quality for automotive users. As self-driving technology progresses, the amount of information exchanged between the driver and the vehicle increases rapidly, making the center fascia display larger and more diverse. As a result, the direction of research reflecting customer affection in the design of existing automotive interior package elements needs to be studied in guideline with the new design trend in the center fascia. Method: A total of nine products were tested for affection, taking into account three display types, after selecting 22 affective words. Based on this, the three affective factors of each display type were derived by analyzing factors, and the MDS and MANOVA analysis was conducted to analyze the dimensions of the affective factors after conducting an affective evaluation of the nine products using newly formed affective factors and to verify the influence between the nine products, the affective factors and regions. Results: There was a difference in preference affection between regions for display type, while horizontal type was significant for novelty and luxuriousness, longitudinal type was significant for novelty, fanciness and overall preference, and mixed type resulted in significant results for novelty and fanciness. It was derived that product differentiation comes from novelty, fanciness and luxuriousness. Conclusion: Cross cultural affective preference was derived by vehicle center fascia display type considering the result of this study in the final. Application: The results of this study is expected to present a strategic direction related to overall affection to the form of automotive displays.