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본 연구는 지구지정으로인한 지가변화에 대해서 선행연구 등에서 일반적으로 적용되는 방법인 사례지구를 대상으로 한 실증분석을 실시하여, 해제지구의 지구지정에 따른 피해의 계량화 및 직접성 입증을 하고자 한다. 이를 통해 공익사업 해제지구내의 지구지정에 따른 피해의보전을 위한 기초를 마련하고, 종국적으로 무분별한사업지구의 지정 또는 사업인정 실효의 무력화를통한 재산권 침해를 방지하는데 일조하고자 한다.

We show that designation of public works project district caused the financial loss in the land price after the designation has been canceled and then investigate the financial loss by using the quantifying methodology. We analyze the appraisal and assessment price of the land located in the canceled public works project district and their neighboring lands by using the Hedonic price model based upon a premise that financial loss is resulted from decline of land price. Our analysis shows that similar to official land price, the price of appraisal and assessment increases when certain area is designated as a public works project district. It may be resulted from the expectation of benefit that public works project will bring in the future. However, our study shows that since the increased land price is a bubble price which will eventually collapse and applying empirical analysis can be limited in investigating financial loss resulted from the cancellation of the designation of the district. The reason is that after the public works project is canceled, the official land price shows consistent decrease and the recognition on the possibility of cancellation of the district has no significant co-relation with the land price. The result of our study demonstrates that analyzing the financial loss from the designation of the public works project district is limited due to the increased price and our study suggests the theoretical basis for the exclusion of increased land price when the compensation for the land designated as a public works project has been undertaken. We believe that further case studies on the price of designated districts will be required by applying the diverse methodologies.