초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Importance of barrier free design and equal access has been emphasized in the public environments for the disabled. However, there are a limited number of organizations which provide work adjustment for the disabled’s workplace. The purpose of this study is to examine the state of work environment accessibility and safety for the disabled employees, to evaluate the appropriateness of the work environment, and to suggest physical environment aspects required for the disabled. For this study, 10 case work environments among 33 sites including factory, office, service facilities were analyzed. As a result of on-site analysis, accessibility of work environment in the case facilities should be improved. It is necessary to ensure access not only to work environment such as individual work station, sanitary facilities, circulation areas, but also to other amenity areas. For the disabled, it is necessary to provide safe work environment regarding working device, equipment, secured distance from the harmful source, and ambient features. Some safety guidelines and criteria need to be established so that public agencies can provide work adjustments and accommodation according to the various environment contexts. In addition, adequate rest areas and its service areas should be provided for better work environment and job retention of the disabled.