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A consumption based study on the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission change due to the changes in meat consumption behavior in North Korea was carried out. It was found that if the meat consumption amount per capita and meat supply mix in North Korea be equal to that of South Korea in 2027, the CO2 emissions be 4,102 ktCO2. This amount is equivalent to almost 5 times of the CO2 emissions with the current meat consumption pattern in North Korea, at about 873 ktCO2. It is expected that the meat consumption amount in North Korea be increased which is related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Good Health and Well-Being’. However, to minimize the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and to achieve the SDG 12, ‘Responsible Production and Consumption’, it is required to encourage the rabbit meat and poultry centered consumption like as currently. In addition, North Korea needs to increase livestock and agricultural productivities through external assistance and to raise agricultural labor productivity internally by modifying the farm type.