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Objectives: This study investigated the relevance of dietary behavior and oral management for oral heath in adults to extend the recognition of the importance of food intake in oral health and to provide basic information for oral health management. Methods: A survey and clinical assessment were conducted for 119 adults over 20 years of age. The chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were carried out using SPSS Statistics 20.0. Results: Gingivitis was influenced less when ham and sausage in the sub-area of meat, fish, egg, and bean were consumed once a week rather than the cases when consumed rarely (3.47 times) or when consumed two times or more a week (7.87 times) (p<0.05). Periodontitis was influenced more in the groups of 30s and 40s age than in that of over 50 years of age (14.97 times, 7.73 times) and in the group without drinking experience than in group with that (4.17 times) (p<0.05). Conclusions: The results verified the close relationship between food intake frequency and oral health in patients with periodontitis and gingivitis. Thus, it would be necessary to study the relationship between dietary behavior and oral health continuously.