초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of the Journal of Korean medicine case reports. Methods: Case reports published in the Journal of Korean Medicine from January 2015 to March 2020 were selected by using Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS) and the journal search system of the Korean Medical Association (https://www.jkom.org). The quality of the case reports was assessed using the Consensus-based Clinical Case Reporting Guideline Development (CARE) guidelines. Results: 33 case reports were selected for the assessment. Based on the CARE guidelines, 61.54% of the case reports included necessary information, but the quality level was uneven. More than 60% of the reports were missing data regarding ‘Discussion of the strengths and limitations in your approach to this case’, ‘Intervention adherence and tolerability’, ‘Timeline’, ‘Medical, family, and psychosocial history including relevant genetic information’, ‘Patient perspective or experience’, ‘Adverse and unanticipated events’, ‘Administration of intervention’, and ‘De-identified demographic information and other patient specific information’. In most reports of over 90%, data regarding ‘Diagnostic challenges’, ‘Intervention adherence and tolerability’, and ‘Key word’ were not included. Conclusions: Efforts are needed to improve the quality of case reports in the Journal of Korean Medicine, and it is necessary to develop appropriate guidelines for case reporting for the Journal of Korean Medicine. In addition, all articles submitted to the Journal of Korean Medicine are to be complied with submission instructions and CARE guidelines.