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The direct-patternable SnO2 thin film was successfully fabricated by photochemical metal-organic deposition. The composition and chemical bonding state of SnO2 thin film were analyzed by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) from the surface to the interface with Si substrate. XPS depth profiling analysis allowed the determination of theatomic composition in SnO2 film as a function of depth through the evolution of four elements of C 1s, Si 2p, Sn 3d,and O 1s core level peaks. At the top surface, nearly stoichiometric SnO2 composition (O/Sn ratio is 1.92.) was observeddue to surface oxidation but deficiency of oxygen was increased to the interface of patterned SnO2/Si substrate wherethe O/Sn ratio was about 1.73~1.75 at the films. This O deficient state of the film may act as an n-type semiconductorand allow SnO2 to be applied as a transparent electrode in optoelectronic applications.