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Objectives : This study was to investigate the effectiveness of thread-embedding therapy for the treatment of acute phase of Bell’s palsy. Methods : Thread-embedding therapy was performed once a week on 29 patients within 1 weeks after the onset. We investigated the general characters, Yanagihara's score, House-Brackmann scale and FDI were used to evaluate the effectiveness of thread-embedding therapy. Results : Facial muscle recovery began at 13.37th day, that was about 0.36 day earlier than the previous patients who were treated without thread-embedding therapy in 2017 at the same hospital, but there was no statistical significance. In the change of each scale before and after treatment, Yanagihara's score, House-Brackmann scale, physical function and social function of FDI were changed significantly. Compared with the patients treated without thread-embedding therapy in 2017, Yanagihara's score was a little higher and House-Brackmann scale was a little lower. Conclusions : These findings suggested that thread-embedding therapy on acute phase of Bell’s palsy was a little more effective than the conventional therapy without thread-embedding therapy.