초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The purpose of this study is the analysis on the characteristics of residents' participation for the comprehensive rural village development project by progress phase (preparation, planning, propulsion systems set up and valuation phases). For that, 169 promotion committee and ordinary residents in the 29 rural villages in Gyeongbuk province which are subject to comprehensive development were selected for questionnaire covering 16 days from April 15 to 30, 2009. The questionnaire was put into -test and t-test with SPSS 17.0, and the results are as below. First, in the preparation phase, initiation of comprehensive rural village development project was proposed mostly by the villages leaders or the local governments, while the ordinary residents were aware of the project later than promotion committee along with they showed a low level in joining education prepared for themselves. Second, in planning phase, the ordinary residents showed lower participation level compared with the promotion committee in vision sharing, awareness level of project contents, participation level in selecting project by sector, and in the role between the objects of planning set up. Third, in promotion system establishment phase, the ordinary residents showed lower participation level and lower awareness levels than promotion committee in promotion committee activities, village development council activities, local governments' roles. Fourth, the residents satisfaction about participating in comprehensive rural village development project appeared high in general. But the satisfaction levels of the general residents about the planning phase and about the promotion committee activities in promotion system setup phase appeared low.
The purpose of this study is the analysis on the characteristics of residents' participation for the comprehensive rural village development project by progress phase (preparation, planning, propulsion systems set up and valuation phases). For that, 169 promotion committee and ordinary residents in the 29 rural villages in Gyeongbuk province which are subject to comprehensive development were selected for questionnaire covering 16 days from April 15 to 30, 2009. The questionnaire was put into -test and t-test with SPSS 17.0, and the results are as below. First, in the preparation phase, initiation of comprehensive rural village development project was proposed mostly by the villages leaders or the local governments, while the ordinary residents were aware of the project later than promotion committee along with they showed a low level in joining education prepared for themselves. Second, in planning phase, the ordinary residents showed lower participation level compared with the promotion committee in vision sharing, awareness level of project contents, participation level in selecting project by sector, and in the role between the objects of planning set up. Third, in promotion system establishment phase, the ordinary residents showed lower participation level and lower awareness levels than promotion committee in promotion committee activities, village development council activities, local governments' roles. Fourth, the residents satisfaction about participating in comprehensive rural village development project appeared high in general. But the satisfaction levels of the general residents about the planning phase and about the promotion committee activities in promotion system setup phase appeared low.