초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study was to examine the current situation and problems in the international air cargo transport of South Korea and Japan, from the point of view of the air cargo transport service efficiency, in which was discussed about the direction of the future airport policy strategy. In particular, South Korea has been closed international logistics route that passes through the North Korea. Similarly in Japan the original, is an island country with respect to international transportation. Thus, cargo transport with foreign countries, not to rely on "Air" or "shipping". Therefore, focusing on the significant growth of the Korea‐Japan "International air cargo transport service", air cargo situation and challenges of the transport service, which is equipment and actors related to the air transport air cargo terminal, airlines, air cargo services, such as freight forwarders It was discussed of the efficiency strategy.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Air Logistics, Container transport services, Air cargo transportation network, Igloo, Transit Cargo