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The conversion of used frying oil from soybean oil to biodiesel was performed kinetically in two ways. Firstly, the reaction products were quantified by measuring the amount of glycerol produced to track the overall reaction; secondly, by means of GC with a capillary column, we analyzed each component of soybean oil and methyl oleate from glyceryl monooleate (GMO). The rate equation fits a pseudo-first-order reaction under the reaction conditions: oil-to-methanol molar ratios were 1:10∼18 over 0.5 % KOH catalyst. The formation rate constants of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acid methyl esters from used frying oil were first calculated. The activation energies were 7.05 kcal/mol for the overall reaction, 16.84∼17.86 kcal/mol for each component of soybean oil, and 11.08 kcal/mol for methyl oleate from GMO.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

biodiesel, transesterification, used frying oil (UFO), glyceryl monooleate (GMO), sustainable and renewable fuel