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본 연구의 목적은 1990년대 초의 제1차 북핵 위기와 2002년의 제2차 북핵 위기 양 사례를 분석함으로써 위기상황하에서 이루어지는 북한 당국의 위기관리를 분석하고 이를 평가해 보고자 하는 것이다. 보다 구체적으로는 1,2차 북핵 위기 사례를 통해 드러난 북한의 위기관리 과정을 위기관리 분석 틀에 놓고서 북한 위기관리의 주요 측면들을 살펴봄으로서 북한의 위기관리 능력을 평가해보고자 한다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 1,2차 북핵 위기 사례에 드러난 사실에 근거하여 가능한 한 북한의 시각에서 현상을 바라보고자 하였으며, 연구의 대전제는 독특한 사회주의국가 북한의 여러 알려진 특징들에 주목하기보다는 북한도 다른 일반국가(정상국가)들과 다를바 없이 어느 경우에나 자국의 이익 확보에 최선을 다한다는 것이다. 그리하여 본 연구는 북한은 위기상황하에서 이미 설정된 국가목표에 부합하는 위기목표를 마련하고 이를 달성하고자 이에 적합한 수단을 선택하면서 이익 확보에 주력하면서 위기를 관리해 나갔는지를 확인코자 하였다. 이를 위해 북한 정책결정자의 환경에 대한 위협인지 및 위기인식과 철저한 손익계산에 기초한 국익우선의 정책결정 그리고 위기관리 전략 및 행태를 중심으로 분석하였다.
The purpose of this study is to explore the overall crisis management of North Korea under the crisis situation through analyzing both cases of the 1st unclear crisis in the early of 1990 and the 2nd unclear crisis in 2002. This study intend to evaluate the crisis management competence of North Korea through identifying characteristics, patterns, dilemma and limitation of North Korea' crisis management based on the both nuclear crisis cases. For this purpose, analysis frameworks was constructed focused on five factors like as crisis perception, crisis objectives, crisis solution means, crisis management strategies and behavioral analysis of crisis management, and then crisis management of North Korea was analyzed according to the analysis framework. This study was tried to understand phenomenon on the North Korea's perspective if possible, based on the explicit facts of 1st and 2nd nuclear crisis. The major premise of this study was focused on not a various of unique characteristics of North Korea as a socialistic state, but the facts that North Korea made all efforts to ensure the national benefit, no matter what the cases were, like as the other countries. The finding of this study are as follows: First, North Korea paid attention to the intention of US and was sensitive the crisis dynamics simultaneously. Second, North Korea tried to accomplish both the first objective of preventing an armed clash and the second objective of avoiding sanctions towards North Korea of UN. Third, North Korea used the defensive crisis management strategy effectively. Futhermore, tit-for-tat strategy as a core strategy was used positively. Forth, North Korea made effort to maintain the balance between the politic-diplomatic behaviors and armed behaviors under crisis situation. And then North Korea used the informal communicative channel positively for resolving the crisis situations.
The purpose of this study is to explore the overall crisis management of North Korea under the crisis situation through analyzing both cases of the 1st unclear crisis in the early of 1990 and the 2nd unclear crisis in 2002. This study intend to evaluate the crisis management competence of North Korea through identifying characteristics, patterns, dilemma and limitation of North Korea' crisis management based on the both nuclear crisis cases. For this purpose, analysis frameworks was constructed focused on five factors like as crisis perception, crisis objectives, crisis solution means, crisis management strategies and behavioral analysis of crisis management, and then crisis management of North Korea was analyzed according to the analysis framework. This study was tried to understand phenomenon on the North Korea's perspective if possible, based on the explicit facts of 1st and 2nd nuclear crisis. The major premise of this study was focused on not a various of unique characteristics of North Korea as a socialistic state, but the facts that North Korea made all efforts to ensure the national benefit, no matter what the cases were, like as the other countries. The finding of this study are as follows: First, North Korea paid attention to the intention of US and was sensitive the crisis dynamics simultaneously. Second, North Korea tried to accomplish both the first objective of preventing an armed clash and the second objective of avoiding sanctions towards North Korea of UN. Third, North Korea used the defensive crisis management strategy effectively. Futhermore, tit-for-tat strategy as a core strategy was used positively. Forth, North Korea made effort to maintain the balance between the politic-diplomatic behaviors and armed behaviors under crisis situation. And then North Korea used the informal communicative channel positively for resolving the crisis situations.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Crisis mMnagement of North Korea, Crisis Perception, Crisis Objectives, Crisis Solution Means, Crisis Management Strategies and Behavioral Analysis of Crisis Management