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*(주)드림와이즈 팀장

Multi-attribute risk assessments provide a useful framework for systematic quantitative risk assessment that the security manager can use to prioritize security requirements and threats. In the first step, the security managers identify the four significant outcome attributes(lost revenue, lost productivity, lost customer, and recovery cost). Next, the security manager estimates the frequency and severity(three points estimates for outcome attribute values) for each threat and rank the outcome attributes according to AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). Finally, we generate the threat index by using multi-attribute function and make sensitivity analysis with simulation package(Crystal Ball). In this paper, we show how multi-attribute risk analysis techniques from the field of security risk management can be used by security managers to prioritize their organization’s threats and their security requirements, eventually they can derive threat index. This threat index can help security managers to decide whether their security investment is consistent with the expected risks. In addition, sensitivity analysis allows the security manager to explore the estimates to understand how they affect the selection. Keyword:Information Security, Multi-Attribute Threat Index, Simulation

Multi-attribute risk assessments provide a useful framework for systematic quantitative risk assessment that the security manager can use to prioritize security requirements and threats. In the first step, the security managers identify the four significant outcome attributes(lost revenue, lost productivity, lost customer, and recovery cost). Next, the security manager estimates the frequency and severity(three points estimates for outcome attribute values) for each threat and rank the outcome attributes according to AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). Finally, we generate the threat index by using multi-attribute function and make sensitivity analysis with simulation package(Crystal Ball). In this paper, we show how multi-attribute risk analysis techniques from the field of security risk management can be used by security managers to prioritize their organization’s threats and their security requirements, eventually they can derive threat index. This threat index can help security managers to decide whether their security investment is consistent with the expected risks. In addition, sensitivity analysis allows the security manager to explore the estimates to understand how they affect the selection. Keyword:Information Security, Multi-Attribute Threat Index, Simulation