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In this study, we tried to consider the application of contact lenses made of natural materials. Contact lenses are medical devices for the purpose of correcting vision in the human body. Existing contact lenses are manufactured as synthetic polymer materials. However, despite its physical and biological safety, it still carries risk factors for ophthalmic diseases. In order to solve this problem, various natural polymer materials have recently been proposed. Therefore, in this review, the possibility of application to functional contact lenses using natural materials such as collagen, fibrin, alginic acid, chitosan, and hyaluronic acid was investigated. Most natural materials cannot be used alone due to lack of mechanical strength. However, through the addition of alginic acid, chitosan, and hyaluronic acid using synthetic polymers and copolymerization and IPN method, the possibility of application as a material for functional contact lenses was confirmed. Accordingly, when the mechanical strength of natural materials is improved to maintain appropriate strength and biological stability through complex composition and control with various polymers, the possibility of application as a functional contact lens having high antibacterial activity and reduced protein adsorption is expected.