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Even though the saps have been consumed as beverage in Korea, however a little research has been conducted on the chemical composition. We determined free sugars, mineral in the sap from Juglans mandshurica Maxim. collected from BongHwa region. The contents of glucose, sucrose, and fructose in the sap from J. mandshurica were 0.15, 2.73, and 0.09%, respectively. The prominent minerals in the sap from J. mandshurica were calcium and potassium. The contents of Ca, K, Mg, Fe, and Mn of sap from J. mandshurica were 0.61, 0.57, 0.12, 0.002, and 0.014 ppm, respectively. The sap from J. mandshurica show inhibitory effect on elastase. And real-time RT-PCR showed that sap from J. mandshurica increased mRNA level of AQP3 and HAS2 gene and increased hyaluronic acid production in HaCaT cells. These results indicated that the sap from J. mandshurica can potentially be used for developing cosmetic ingredient for skin moisturizing and anti-aging.