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Chiwon, Tasan’s disciple during his exile in Gangjin has been known as the successor of Tasan poetry with another estimation of his own originality. This thesis examines the difference of two poets by analyzing their Social Poems of the same subjects and materials. The criteria of distinction are two aspects. One is ‘the focus of criticism and allegory’ and the other ‘the method of the composition and configuration.’ In the former criterion, Tasan invented the prototype of low-level provincial officials committed the imposition of heavy taxes and oppression over common people. On the other hand, Chiwon made the prototype of bureaucrats indulged in the idleness and enjoyment. In the latter criterion, Tasan pursued the direct expression of his experiences and the detailed and realistic description. Chiwon chose the way of enhancing the themes in brief and effective ways. This informs us that the difference of their social classes as well as their aiming for the ideal poetry. The fact that Chiwon didn't totally agree to Tasan’s poetry with detailed and realistic method of expression shows that the prospering Realism of Literature met the transition point in the late Chosun dynasty.

Chiwon, Tasan’s disciple during his exile in Gangjin has been known as the successor of Tasan poetry with another estimation of his own originality. This thesis examines the difference of two poets by analyzing their Social Poems of the same subjects and materials. The criteria of distinction are two aspects. One is ‘the focus of criticism and allegory’ and the other ‘the method of the composition and configuration.’ In the former criterion, Tasan invented the prototype of low-level provincial officials committed the imposition of heavy taxes and oppression over common people. On the other hand, Chiwon made the prototype of bureaucrats indulged in the idleness and enjoyment. In the latter criterion, Tasan pursued the direct expression of his experiences and the detailed and realistic description. Chiwon chose the way of enhancing the themes in brief and effective ways. This informs us that the difference of their social classes as well as their aiming for the ideal poetry. The fact that Chiwon didn't totally agree to Tasan’s poetry with detailed and realistic method of expression shows that the prospering Realism of Literature met the transition point in the late Chosun dynasty.