초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The Government of the Republic of Korea declared the Peace Line in 1952 around the Korean peninsular. Its first purpose was to protect Korean coastal fishery from well-developed Japanese fishing industry. Japan lodged strong protest against Korean Government's decision, insisting that it violated the principle of the freedom of high seas in international law. However, Korean declaration followed the trend among the South American States, which had insisted extended jurisdiction over high seas adjacent to their territorial seas since Truman proclamation in 1945. Peace Line was the first proclamation of extended jurisdiction over adjacent high seas in Asia. Thereafter, Korea tried to defense special interest of coastal States in high seas in many international conferences, including the First & Second UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. Though the Korean Peace Line was not consistent with lege lata in early 1950's, it would be consistent with new direction of the development of the law of the sea. Finally its basic theme has been accepted as the exclusive economic zone regime in international law in 1970's.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Peace Line, law of the sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, Fishery Agreement between the R.O.K. and Japan