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The different microbial species were isolated from soy bean paste samples. A yeast strain NASS-2 was effective to decrease odor activity on pig excreata was identified as Pichia farinosa based on nucleotide sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA and Internal transcribed space (ITS). The extracellular fraction of P. farinosa NASS-2 was effective to decrease odor activity of pig excrements. Optimal medium component for decreasing order activity on odor material composed of soluble starch 2.0% (w/v) and yeast extract 0.8% (v/v). The decrease of odor material was maximum at 28oC for 72 hours with pH 5.5. When the P. farinosa NASS-2 culture broth was treated to pig excrements, the removal efficiency was an average concentration with 1.38 ppm of ammonia gas.