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북한 지도자 김일성이 사망한 시기는 소련과 동유럽 사회주의의 붕괴, 러시아와 중국의 한국과의 수교, 그리고 핵무기 개발문제로 인한 국제사회의 대북 압박조치로 인해 북한이 극도로 취약했을 때였다. 따라서 김일성 사망은 북한에게 심대한 위기였고, 중국도 이를 위기상황으로 받아들이고 적극적으로 대응했다. 김일성 사망 시 어떤 요인과 전략적 고려가 중국으로 하여금 북한의 불안정사태에 대해 즉각적이고도 깊이 있게 관여하도록 했는가? 중국의 개입으로 중국이 기대했던 중·북관계를 복원하는데 성공했는가? 김일성 사망 시 중국의 대북 지원에 대한 대가로 북한으로부터 상응하는 보상을 받았는가? 이러한 문제의식 하에, 필자는 1994년 북한 위기에 대한 중국의 정책대응을 분석하고 중국의 지원과 지지정책에 북한이 어떻게 반응했는지를 탐색함으로써 중·북관계의 특징을 도출하고, 중·북관계에 대한 한국의 정책 고려사항을 제시하였다.

The time North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung died was concurrent with the decline of North Korea, which was due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and East European countries, the establishment of diplomatic relationships between Russia/China and South Korea, and the international society's pressure against North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Consequently, Kim Il-Sung's death posed a critical crisis to North Korea, and China also accepted it as a crisis and acted actively. What factors and strategic viewpoint made China take part in the North Korean crisis triggered by the North Korean leader's death? Did China succeed in restoring its relationship with North Korea by intervening in the crisis? Was the Chinese support for the North Korea compensated for? Under these critical minds, the author analyzed the political action of Chinese government against North Korean crisis in 1994, and investigated the action took by the North Korean government to the support and aid provided from China, and in turn elicited the characteristics of relationship between North Korea and China, and provided the political considerations of South Korean government toward the North Korea-China relationship.

The time North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung died was concurrent with the decline of North Korea, which was due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and East European countries, the establishment of diplomatic relationships between Russia/China and South Korea, and the international society's pressure against North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Consequently, Kim Il-Sung's death posed a critical crisis to North Korea, and China also accepted it as a crisis and acted actively. What factors and strategic viewpoint made China take part in the North Korean crisis triggered by the North Korean leader's death? Did China succeed in restoring its relationship with North Korea by intervening in the crisis? Was the Chinese support for the North Korea compensated for? Under these critical minds, the author analyzed the political action of Chinese government against North Korean crisis in 1994, and investigated the action took by the North Korean government to the support and aid provided from China, and in turn elicited the characteristics of relationship between North Korea and China, and provided the political considerations of South Korean government toward the North Korea-China relationship.