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This study is to examine a relationship between a Taekwondo school manager's type of leadership and leaders' organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Respondents in this study were leaders of Taekwondo schools in Seoul in 2004; a total of 350 were selected, using stratified random sampling, and correctly completed 316 questionnaires were used. As for the survey tool, first, questionnaires of Kim, Goo-Sung (1995), Lee, Joo-Wun (1987), Lim, Jong-Ho (1992), and Choi, Jong-Jin (1996) were used, which Hersry and Blanchard (1977) devised for the measurement of manager leadership; second, the Organizational Commitment Questionnaires (OCQ) of Kim, Won-Hyung (1993) and Kim, Ik-Gyun (1992), which were adapted from Mowday and Steersalf Poter's, Ryoo, Tae- Mo's (1993), and Choi, Jong-Jin's (1996) were used; third, the occupational satisfaction questionnaires of Curry and Wakefield (1986), Kim, Won-Hyung (1993), Kim, Jun-Gon (1987), Ryoo, Tae-Mo (1993) and Choi, Jong-Jin (1996) were used. For detailed analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The findings are as follows: Firstly, leaders' organizational commitment was partly influenced by the manager's type of leadership. That is, an overall high score also signified high score in pride, sense of duty and responsibility, and a high democratic score also signified a high score in pride and responsibility. Secondly, The type of leadership affected the occupational satisfaction. That is, the greater the democratic and overall score, the higher is occupational and job satisfaction.

This study is to examine a relationship between a Taekwondo school manager's type of leadership and leaders' organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Respondents in this study were leaders of Taekwondo schools in Seoul in 2004; a total of 350 were selected, using stratified random sampling, and correctly completed 316 questionnaires were used. As for the survey tool, first, questionnaires of Kim, Goo-Sung (1995), Lee, Joo-Wun (1987), Lim, Jong-Ho (1992), and Choi, Jong-Jin (1996) were used, which Hersry and Blanchard (1977) devised for the measurement of manager leadership; second, the Organizational Commitment Questionnaires (OCQ) of Kim, Won-Hyung (1993) and Kim, Ik-Gyun (1992), which were adapted from Mowday and Steersalf Poter's, Ryoo, Tae- Mo's (1993), and Choi, Jong-Jin's (1996) were used; third, the occupational satisfaction questionnaires of Curry and Wakefield (1986), Kim, Won-Hyung (1993), Kim, Jun-Gon (1987), Ryoo, Tae-Mo (1993) and Choi, Jong-Jin (1996) were used. For detailed analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The findings are as follows: Firstly, leaders' organizational commitment was partly influenced by the manager's type of leadership. That is, an overall high score also signified high score in pride, sense of duty and responsibility, and a high democratic score also signified a high score in pride and responsibility. Secondly, The type of leadership affected the occupational satisfaction. That is, the greater the democratic and overall score, the higher is occupational and job satisfaction.