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This study selected 24 spontaneously hypertensive rats(SHR) of 6 years as subjects and 12 Wistar Kyoto rats(WKR) as comparison group(total of 36 rats). They were divided into WKR- comparison group(n=12), SHR-control group(n=12), and SHR-exercise group)(n=12). They were trained in 0% slope for 12 weeks with 1 hour per day for 5 week days. Treadmill speed increased every two weeks(1st-2nd week: 1.6m/min, 3rd-4th: 1-7m/min, 5th-6th: 1.8m/min, 7th: 1.9m/min, 8th-12th: 2.0m/min).The results are as follows:1. Expression of ACE proteinExpression of ACE by group was WKR-comparison group(130.78±5.51(0% )), SHR-control group(156.73±8.776(20.04% ↑)), and SHR-exercise group (133.41±8.76(20.% ↑)).It was found different in p<.01 level of SHR-control group and SHR -exercise group and in p<.05 level of SHR-control group and SHR- exercise group.2. Expression of Endothelin-1 mRNAExpression of Endothelin-1 mRNA by group was WKR-compariso group (1.91±0.02(0% )), SHR-control group(4.340±0.18(127.2% )), and SHR-exercise group (2.95±0.12(54.4.% )). There was difference between WKY-comparison group and SHR-control group, WKY-comparison group and SHR-exercise group, and SHR-control group and SHR-exercise group(p<.05). The blood pressure level was difference between by group(p<.05).