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It is the recent issue that we consider the philosophy of physical education as an important problem in the science of physical education. There have been attempt to exam the philosophy of physical education of Korea, when they flew into theories of philosophy of physical education. Now we have an question to discover the philosophical essence and the characteristic comprised in the physical education of Korean tradition. I kept an eye on the philosophy of physical education of Hwarangdo(花郞徒) in Silla dynasty as an attempt to exam the archetype of philosophy of Korean physical education in this paper. Hwarang(花郞) did the sights of mountains and waters and trained his body by singing and dancing. By the way there was an obvious philosophy in their training of body. It was Poongryudo(風流道). Poongryudo(風流道) of Hwarang(花郞) is the archetype of philosophy of Korean physical education and it succeeds the Korean traditional viewpoint of body and the philosophy of physical education. Even though they flow into Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in those days, Poongryudo(風流道) handed down the characteristics of philosophy of physical education. There are spirit of militarism and playful elements, for instance, cultivating morality, enjoying songs and dances and doing the sights of mountains and waters. In this paper, I examined the philosophical elements of physical education about Poongryudo(風流道) and I investigated the meaning of it in modern society.
It is the recent issue that we consider the philosophy of physical education as an important problem in the science of physical education. There have been attempt to exam the philosophy of physical education of Korea, when they flew into theories of philosophy of physical education. Now we have an question to discover the philosophical essence and the characteristic comprised in the physical education of Korean tradition. I kept an eye on the philosophy of physical education of Hwarangdo(花郞徒) in Silla dynasty as an attempt to exam the archetype of philosophy of Korean physical education in this paper. Hwarang(花郞) did the sights of mountains and waters and trained his body by singing and dancing. By the way there was an obvious philosophy in their training of body. It was Poongryudo(風流道). Poongryudo(風流道) of Hwarang(花郞) is the archetype of philosophy of Korean physical education and it succeeds the Korean traditional viewpoint of body and the philosophy of physical education. Even though they flow into Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in those days, Poongryudo(風流道) handed down the characteristics of philosophy of physical education. There are spirit of militarism and playful elements, for instance, cultivating morality, enjoying songs and dances and doing the sights of mountains and waters. In this paper, I examined the philosophical elements of physical education about Poongryudo(風流道) and I investigated the meaning of it in modern society.