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The objective of this study is to determine whether the Dynamic activity program of the aged welfare center and the hall for the aged are appropriate for activation or participation in the interest of the aged for the increasing population of the aged. Targeting 18 old people making use of the aged welfare center and 18 old people using the hall for the aged, this study was performed to provide basic data for old people's utilization of social welfare program by comparing demographic and social property, satisfaction in health and the current result of physical examination. 1) The demographic and social property of old people using welfare center and the hall for the aged did not show statistically significant difference in all items except a term make use of welfare organs. a term make use of welfare organs of old people using welfare center was significantly higher(p<.05). 2) In the satisfaction in life of old people using welfare center and the hall for the aged, statistically significant difference was not seen between 2 groups in all items. 3) In the result of physical examination of old people using welfare center and the hall for the aged, statistically significant difference were not seen between 2 groups in items such as physical ingredient, physical strength, circulatory system and pulmonary function test. However, the blood pressure and sit-flexible of old people using welfare center was significantly higher(p<.05). This result may suggest that the old people using welfare center and more satisfied with physical welfare. Thus, it is required to ensure satisfaction in life by activating welfare center program. I think that constant study should be made for better quality of life and satisfaction in physical welfare.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

aged wealfare center, hall for the aged, dynamic activity program, satisfaction in life of old people.