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Professional basketball started later than professional baseball and football. However, Professional basketball is very popular sports in winter. The ticket sale is very important variance for operate team. Therefore, many researches of fan behavior need for increasing ticket sale.The purpose of this study is that investigate the relationship among participation's type, reviewing intentions, recommendation, and satisfaction of professional basketball fan for marketing strategy.Therefore, samples were chosen who have experience of professional basketball. For this study, 341 samples were collected with convenience sampling method to completed self- administration questionnaires. Finally, 323 questionnaires were used for data analysis.For this study, modified Kim(1999), Park(2005), Hong, Cho, Kim(2004) of Questionnaire was used. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSS for window version 12.0 for statistical analysis. With this data, Frequency Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, t-test, Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression.As the result, there are significantly differences between participation's type. The decision factors of sports viewing influence reviewing intentions, recommendation, and satisfaction.