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This study was conducted to investigate the biomechanical charateristics of the place kicking to improve the technique of the soccerball kicking. The subjects were six male college and high school athletes. The motions of soccerball placekicking were filmed by using two Panasonic D-5100 S-VHS Video Cameras. The mechanical factors were angular momentumty of body segments in the lower extremity. The conclusions were as follows; 1. The angular momentum of body segments of the skilled in the lower extremity was showed more gradual increase that of the unskilled and smoothly transfer, transfering from proximal segment to distal segment at placekicking in soccer ball. 2. The local term angular momentum of the proximal segment of the skilled showed lager than that of the distal segment of the unskilled in X, Y, Z axis component all. 3. The local term angular momentum in Z axis component of the skilled was smaller than that of the unskilled. As the result of them, I have come to conclusion that the transfer of the angular momentum of body segments for effective impact of the placekick make from the proximal segment to the distal segment at placekicking in soccer ball.

This study was conducted to investigate the biomechanical charateristics of the place kicking to improve the technique of the soccerball kicking. The subjects were six male college and high school athletes. The motions of soccerball placekicking were filmed by using two Panasonic D-5100 S-VHS Video Cameras. The mechanical factors were angular momentumty of body segments in the lower extremity. The conclusions were as follows; 1. The angular momentum of body segments of the skilled in the lower extremity was showed more gradual increase that of the unskilled and smoothly transfer, transfering from proximal segment to distal segment at placekicking in soccer ball. 2. The local term angular momentum of the proximal segment of the skilled showed lager than that of the distal segment of the unskilled in X, Y, Z axis component all. 3. The local term angular momentum in Z axis component of the skilled was smaller than that of the unskilled. As the result of them, I have come to conclusion that the transfer of the angular momentum of body segments for effective impact of the placekick make from the proximal segment to the distal segment at placekicking in soccer ball.