초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study investigated the coping styles with adversity used by shooting athletes in training and game situations, as functions of gender, event, age and technique level. Coping effectiveness was also examined in relation to coping styles with adversity situation of shooting athletes. The objects of this study are 318 male and female athletes of middle and high school students, university students and general people. The reliance level and validity of spss for windows 12.0 used by the statistics program about the collected materials through the sports coping guestionnaire put into practice comfiratory factor analysis and item reliance analysis (Crobach' α), various detachment analysis (MANOVA) and individual detachment analysis (F test) about the difference according to the coping styles with adversity of events, gender, age and skill level. The major results of this study are follows. Shooting athletes mostly revealed the use of problem central coping and emotion central coping in stress and adversity situation 1. The coping style with adversity used by shooting athletes partially made a difference according to the events. That is, rifle athletes made more use of problem central coping style than pistol athletes.(p<.05). 2. The coping style with adversity used by shooting athletes partially mace a difference in gender. 3. The coping style with adversity used by shooting athletes partially made a difference as age groups. That is, university and general athletes made more use of problem central coping style than middle (p<.01)and high school (p<.01)students. 4. The coping style with adversity used by shooting athletes partially made a difference as skill level. Namely, elite performer made more use of emotion central coping style than nonelite performer.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Adversity, Cope with