초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to examine the cardiopulmonary response in forward and backward cycle ergometer exercise. The study subjects were twenty healthy male college students. Maximal heart rate and VO2max were determined for each subject by administering a bicycle ergometer exercise test in forward and back ward cycling. The study showed that maximal heart rates were 170.0 beats/min in forward cycling and 181.9 beats/min in backward cycling. The oxygen consumptions were 27.3 ml/kg/min in forward cycling and 34.8 ml/kg/min in backward cycling. There significant differences in anaerobic threshold, total exercise time, minute ventilation, maximal heart rate, heart rate ratio of maximal heart rate, oxygen comsumptions, and oxygen consumption ratio of maximal oxygen consumption between the forward and backward cycling. In this result, backward cycling was an more effective exercise for forward cycling exercise. The results of this study indicate that the design of rehabilitation program including cycling exercises should be knee disorders such as menisci damage and osteoarthritis.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Backward cycle, Oxygen consumptions, Anaerobic thereshold.