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Energy consumption by existing buildings accounts for a significant portion of the energy use in building stock. To improve energy performance of existing buildings, it is necessary to have a scientific and objective energy model to assess building energy performance as well as decision making for building energy retrofit. Such energy model must be very simple, easy-to-develop, accurate enough and easy-to-use so that it can be used for a large portfolio of existing buildings. With this in mind, the paper presents a new concept so called building energy x-Ray approach. The approach utilizes ISO 13790 simple hourly calculation method as well as other EN energy standards, rather than resorting to full-blown dynamic simulation tools (e.g. EnergyPlus) which is too time-effort-cost intensive. The x-Ray approach, implementable in MATLAB environment, was applied to two existing office buildings. The paper reports the results of such application in terms of accuracy, usability, and limitations.