초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The Original Part of Seoungnam City was built in the early 1970s. In the process of industrialization, a drastic population growth in the city had been generated by rapid economic development far more than expected. As a result, large scale apartment blocks were necessary to solve this housing shortage problem. However, this method of the large scale housing development have caused to produce many closed and self-fulfilling apartment blocks with many Non-continuous planesFirst aim of this paper is to find out where are non-continuous planes which were caused by large-scale apartment blocks for many years. The second one is to classify those non-continuous plans in term of structures, materials and heights.(3m ~6m, 6m~9m, 9m above) The third one is to locate those non-continuous plans on the zoning map of the original part of Seongnam City. Above analysis will be the basic data for specific architectural solutions by the time of regional redevelopment.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Non-continuous plane, large-scale apartment block, Original Part of Seongnam City, retaining wall