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Variable refrigerant flow(VRF) refers to the ability of the system to control the amount of refrigerant flowing to the multiple evaporators (indoor units). This study compares analysis of the actual energy usage of a building with VRF ASHP and the simulation results on EnergyPlus. Also, this study aims to verify the energy savings when VRF ASHP system is replaced with the GSHP system. The actual value of the energy consumption and EnergyPlus simulation results both satisfied ASHRAE standards with MBE = 6.7% and Cv(RMSE) = 9.8%. When VRF ASHP system was replaced with the GSHP system, the total secondary energy consumption was estimated to be saved by 25.0%. Also, GSHP system, compared with VRF ASHP system, does not guarantee economical benefit even when we consider the cost of 25 years of equipment life cycle. If 50% of initial installation cost for the GSHP system is supported, the payback period will be 8 years. Also, if policies that support the cost of the initial installation is implemented, life cycle cost will be improved.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Variable Refrigerant Flow Air source heat pump(VRF ASHP), Ground source heat pump(GSHP), EnergyPlus