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This study attempts to analyze how Kim Swoo Geun's Christian architecture has influenced Korean modern churches in a way of organizing the sense of boundary by the cases of Masan Yangduk Church(1977), Kyungdong Chuch(1980), and Bullkwangdong Church(1981). The meaning of boundary covers not only the physical space layout but also the cognitive interacting threshold that is one of the most remarkable points of general religious architectures. The issue of light extends the quality of sensuous properties that each space adopts for the embodiment of holiness. In other words, the way how to impose light into the sanctuary is the methodology of organizing multiple boundary. The quality of sensuous space represents the inherent value of christianity in the situated architecture. The three main cathedrals not just function as linear development examples in terms of evolving design process, but operate as an individual platform to accomplish the experimental embodiment which upholds the religious sense of boundary.