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The purpose of this study was to find out whether the type of leadership in Korean restaurants affects the job satisfaction of employees and whether the recognition of regulatory focus has a regulatory effect among job satisfaction. The survey was conducted by employees working at Korean restaurants operating in the Seoul metropolitan area for 34 days from July 1, 2020, subject to lower-level department heads and used a total of 317 effective samples as analysis data. First, the exploratory approach has divided the types of Korean restaurant leadership into rude, respectful, transformative, and transactional leadership. This study found that respectful, transformative and transactional leadership in the type of leadership had a positive effect on employee job satisfaction, while rude leadership produced statistically significant negative results in on job satisfaction. In addition, to find out if the regulatory focus recognition has a controlling effect between leadership and job satisfaction, the study showed that rude, respectful and transformative leadership affects job satisfaction. However, in terms of transactional leadership's recognition of the adjustment focus of employees, preventive focus only affected job satisfaction in low groups, and improvement focus only affected job satisfaction in stubbornness. In the case of the preceding study, regardless of the type of leadership, the adjustment-focused perception showed that Korean restaurant employees showed differences in job satisfaction and regulatory-focused perception depending on the employee's interest in transactional leadership. indicating that the sample, Korean restaurant employees, could be more effective if customized performance-based systems were introduced.