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Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gaseous air pollutant which primarily gets in the air when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures through industries, power plant, automobiles and locomotive. Continuous exposure to elevated concentration of NO2 may impose development of asthma and potentially increase in susceptibility to respiratory infections in humans. The present study examined impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 in terms of spatial and temporal variation of tropospheric NO2 in Indo-Gangetic plain. The results showed steep reduction in tropospheric NO2 as a result of ceased industrial and economic activities. Analysis of Sentinel-5P satellite data was carried out for specific period during 2019–2020 at a regional scale and for major industrial cities. Tremendous positive impact of lockdown in atmospheric condition is observed, wherein NO2 concentration has gone down by 20–40% in all major cities except few exceptions were noticed. The concomitant impact of Covid-19 has ensued pragmatic constructive impact on environment and climate, due to drop in NO2 emissions.