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The study examines the influence of COVID-19 on the stock market returns of Saudi Arabia. The data was analyzed through event study methodology using daily price data of Tadawul All Share Index (TASI). The study examines the behavior pattern of the Saudi Arabian stock market in different phases during the event period by selecting six-event windows with a range of 10 days. The results report a negative Abnormal Return (AR) of –0.003 on the event date, while the abnormal returns reversed the next day to 0.005 positively. The result of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) is negative and significant at the 1 percent level in all the six-event windows starting from the event date to day 59 after the event for the TASI index. Even though the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic decreased after 30 days of the event date, it increased during the last ten days of the event window. The stock market volatility of Saudi Arabia increased during the post-event period compared to the pre-event period with a negative mean return of –0.326 and a greater standard deviation. In a conclusion, the study found a significant influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the stock market returns of TASI.