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In this study, we proposed a streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin fi nite element method (SUPG-FEM) with a fl ux-corrected technique (FCT) and adaptive mesh refi nement (AMR). The proposed method is more accurate when compared with the conventional fi nite element method. The solution of a fi rst-order hyperbolic continuity equation exhibits a numerically oscillation in the high local Peclet number region, and the solution converges to a value that diff ers from the actual value due to excessive diff usion terms. In the proposed method, coding is easy and can be applied to discharge analysis because the method is based on SUPG-FEM (which is often used in commercial software programs) and FCT is applied. Additionally, the AMR technique was introduced for effi cient mesh generation. To verify the proposed technique, it was compared to the analytical solution of the Davies test and 2D Burger’s equation. Subsequently, the method was applied to the 1D parallel plate discharge model and 2D HVDC transmission line ion fl ow simulation.