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The infection of COVID-19 gradually has increased in recent years and high degree of social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been implementing. This study sought to identify demographic characteristics associated with concerns about COVID-19 and changes related to concerns. We selected data from the Community Health Survey Data on 2020. We conducted a frequency analysis to analyze demographic characteristics associated with concerns about COVID-19. In addition, we performed a survey logistic regression analysis to identify precautionary behaviors and daily life changes related to concerns about COVID-19. The concerns about COVID-19 are higher among women, the elderly, the Married, those who low education level, poor subjective health status(p<.001). It was found that concerns about infection, death, criticism and economic damage have a significant influence on quarantine rules(precautionary behavior, social distancing, refrain from going out, washing hands and use of hand sanitizer) and daily life changes(physical activity, instant food intake, delivery food intake, drinking and smoking). This study suggests that concerns about COVID-19 are associated with precautionary behaviors and daily life changes. It is necessary to efficiently manage concerns about infectious disease in the future by considering the social environment factors identified in our study.