초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The purpose of this study is to classify wellness hotel service quality factors through the Kano model, identify improvement priorities between each quality factor and satisfaction, and establish a quality strategy. 17 factors were extracted based on SERVQUAL's five-dimensional model for service quality attributes, and each factor was classified through Likert 5-point scale questions of positivity and negation. In addition, the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction was extracted through Timko's CS-Coefficient, and the current satisfaction level was aggregated and improvement priorities were analyzed through PCSI Index analysis. As a result, among the 17 factors, the 'employee's appearance and attire' factor were classified as must-be quality, and all 16 other factors were classified as one-dimension quality. The quality evaluator suggested that it should be improved in the order of 'wellness program composition', 'creating a nature-friendly environment', and 'wellness experience facilities'. Meanwhile, the sample of this study was targeted at customers who visited Korea's representative wellness hotels (Park-roche resort, Resom-forest resort, and Ananti), and a total of 370 samples were distributed and 352 samples were used for the study, excluding 18 samples.