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Non-thermal plasma coupling Fe2+ containing liquid-phase catalysis (NTP-LC/ Fe2+) can effectively reusethe byproduct ozone (O3) of NTP in LC/ Fe2+ for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degradation. However,the low recycling rate of Fe2+/Fe3+ resulted in poor catalytic effect of the coupling system. In this study,the chelator protocatechuic acid (PCA) was added to LC/Fe2+ to enhance the removal of representativeVOC acetone. The results showed that adding PCA increased the acetone removal efficiency to 91% andkept O3 100% removed within 180 min. The mechanism of PCA-enhanced acetone degradation was thatPCA accelerated the Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle by generating PCA-Fe3+ chelates, which prevented the Fe3+ from precipitationand promoted the production of OH and O2 - for acetone oxidation.