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Recently, domestic tobacco product regulations are being strengthened, with the 『Act on the Harmfulness Management of Tobacco』passing the National Assembly, which includes a mandatory submission of data on the harmful ingredients of tobacco products. This study comparatively analyzed laws and guidelines in Korea, the US, EU, UK, Canada. As a result of the study, researched countries regulate tobacco products regardless of the source of nicotine (including those manufactured from parts other than the leaves of tobacco: Canada, EU, UK) (including synthetic nicotine: US), and use of flavoring agents and additives. A clear trend was seen in expanding regulations to include menthol. On the other hand, in Korea, the scope of management is narrow as it only covers products made entirely or partially of tobacco leaves as raw materials, and there are no regulations on flavoring agents and additives during manufacturing. In order to reduce the gap between domestic and international regulations, it is believed that more toxicology research will be needed domestically to provide the scientific basis needed to regulate the ingredients and emissions of various tobacco products.