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The smart factory promotion project is a project that uses ICT technology to improve the production process and the entire management environment system. In Korea, the smart factory promotion project has been continuously implemented since 2014, and the Smart Factory Promotion Team is supporting it nationally. The smart factory promotion project has shown positive results in some companies even in difficult environments such as the COVID-19 situation. In order for each company to promote the smart factory project, it must receive business approval through an evaluation based on the business plan. In order to receive business approval, it is important that the main contents described in the business plan (introduction (business) goals, qualitative goals, quantitative goals, functional composition diagram, etc.) are described consistently. In this study, we studied the cases of several companies to determine whether the main contents of the companies' business plans were consistent. The main contents to be maintained in consistency were the purpose and necessity of introduction, quantitative goals, qualitative goals, functional composition diagram, and expected effects.