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Abstract Medical devices used in aquatic animals are managed as a part of veterinary medical devices in Korea. In order to support the productivity of aquatic animals through an efficient and professional management of the medical devices, we investigated the current management systems for veterinary medical devices in major countries around the world, and categorized the items as an independent medical device sector applicable for aquatic animals. It was found that all major countries surveyed are managing veterinary or aquatic medical devices without independent regulations from human use items. Only in Japan, however, aquatic animal medical devices including vaccine syringes are dealt as separate veterinary medical devices. We evaluated the present utilization and specificity of medical devices in aquatic animals and selected 38 items. Based on the selected items, the major categories for aquatic animal medical devices could be classified into four wide categories including instruments, supplies, only used for aquatic animal and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD). With the increasing demand of IVD in terrestrial and aquatic animals, the IVD of aquatic animals are expected to account for a greater proportion than other categories. These results may provide important information for the establishment of an independent medical device management system for aquatic animals.
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Key words : Aquatic animal medical devices, Medical device classification, Medical device management, in vitro diagnostic medical devices