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The MBR process, which uses membrane to separate solids instead of secondary clarifier, has the advantage of maintaining high MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) concentration in bioreactors. In this study, three MBR processes combined with chemical phosphorus removal facility were studied: the phase-isolated MBR process with one recirculation pump, the A2O MBR process with two recirculation pumps, and the MBR process without a oxygen depletion reactor with three recirculation pumps. 116 simulations by EQPS (Effluent Quality Prediction System) were performed, under same design influent characteristics and hydraulic retention time, to see the effects of recirculation ratio changes on effluent water quality. The final effluent limits for total nitrogen and phosphorus were set to as 10 ㎎/L or less and 0.2 ㎎/L or less, respectively. AlCl 3 was fed at MBR effluent to make 0.2 ㎎/L of total phosphorus precisely by PI controller in EQPS. This study showed that the phase isolated MBR process (R1 600%) had the highest nitrogen removal efficiency, with a final effluent T-N concentration of 6.765 mg/L. However, the A2O MBR process (R1 400%, R2 100%) required the lowest AlCl 3 flow of 0.742 m 3 /day, which is approximately 59.1% lower than the average AlCl 3 flow of the phase-isolated MBR process. It also produced 4,835 kg/day of sludge, the lowest among the studying MBR processes. It seems that A2O MBR process is the most economic method to treat studying wastewater to meet final effluent nutrient limit targets. However, Carbon neutrality must be considered to select the best process to treat studying wastewater and it will be presented later.